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The definition of bullying:

Bullying is a form of violence that involves one or more individuals using power to chronically control and/or intentionally demean, embarrass, or harm another individual or group. (California Department of Education, 2003) Bullying may be physical (hitting, kicking, spitting, destroying property), verbal (taunting, name calling, insults, threatening), or emotional (spreading rumors, excluding from activities, humiliating, or intimidating). Bullying may occur face to face or through the internet, cell phones or other electronic means (cyber-bullying).

La intimidación estudiantil (bullying), es una forma de violencia que implica a uno o más individuos que usan de manera repetitiva el poder para controlar, intencionalmente humillar, avergonzar, o causar daño físico a otra persona o a un grupo de personas, de acuerdo al departamento de educación pública estatal, California Department of Education, 2003. La intimidación estudiantil puede ser física (golpear, patear, escupir o destruir propiedad); verbal (hacer burla, usar palabras ofensivas, insultar o amenazar); o social y emocional (empezar rumores, excluir a personas de actividades, humillar o intimidar). La intimidación estudiantil puede ocurrir de persona a persona; a través del Internet; y por medio de teléfonos celulares u otros dispositivos electrónicos (ciberacoso).

If you feel your child is having an issue with bullying, you can let the school staff know by filling out the Bullying Form.  This information will be shared with our school counselor and she will look into the situation.