About Bidwell Elementary School

Bidwell Elementary is an extraordinary place filled with traditions and people who make a difference in the lives of every student. Our faculty and staff firmly believe that meaningful relationships with our students, families and our community are the foundation of our success. We provide a safe and nurturing learning environment centered around our pillars of respect, responsibility and citizenship. On the Bidwell campus, the school wide expectations are evident in all we do. From our classrooms to our playgrounds to our common areas, respectful, responsible Bidwell citizens work daily to achieve their dreams.
At Bidwell Elementary, we are proud of our high level of student achievement. We focus on the 21st Century teaching and learning standards of collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking in setting yearly goals for our students. Bidwell students are challenged daily to become thinkers for the future by actively engaging in their learning. Whether working alone or collaborating together, Bidwell students apply their skills and knowledge in problem solving activities that utilize and develop their reading, writing, critical thinking and technology skills while preparing them for the social and academic challenges of the middle and high school years as well. Our instructional coach and Response To Intervention specialist play a pivotal role in making sure each child achieves his or her potential. The individual needs of our students with learning challenges are addressed with teaching staff specialists in those respective areas. Students who are identified GATE are equally challenged with enriching and engaging curricular opportunities. Our faculty is adept at differentiating the needs of the individual child both within the classroom and through alternative learning environments to ensure that every child is academically and socio-emotionally proficient.
The faculty, staff and I look forward to working with you and your child. We know that our partnership is essential to our collective success and we value your input and involvement. We invite you to collaborate with us in helping your child reach his or her dream because we believe dreams are meant to become realities.
The Mission of the Red Bluff Union Elementary School Elementary School District is to create and maintain an environment that ensures all students reach a high level of academic achievement as determined by state and district standards. We commit to a comprehensive system of support to assure this outcome.
Empowering thinkers for the future
Bidwell Pledge
As students
We are Respectful
We are Responsible
We are Kind
We are Safe
We are Bidwell Bulldogs