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A bulldog wearing a cap holding a small flag in it's mouth

We all work together to provide a learning environment where students feel safe, their social and emotional needs are met, and they are provided with daily rigorous academic instruction.

Event Calendar

Event Calendar

  • Bidwell - Activities
  • Bidwell - Events
  • DO - Instruction Begins/Ends
  • DO - Local Holiday
  • RBUESD Regular Board Meetings
  • DO - Parent Conferences
Wellness center assistance from

Wellness center assistance from

Would you benefit from assistance with housing, food, counseling, dental care, vision care? 
The district's Wellness Center is here to support you. 

Please fill out this form:
We'll be in touch as quickly as possible.  
Paste WOXO Instagram Embed Div Here
Paste WOXO Instagram Embed Script Here